
Speed racer characters
Speed racer characters

speed racer characters

  • Beware the Nice Ones: Speed is, for the most part, a kind and friendly young man, yet he's very capable of whooping your ass.
  • One time he grabbed Sparky by the collar of his shirt and seemed like he was about to throttle the kid due to the latter's concern over the cheating bad guys he'd have to race against.

    speed racer characters

    Other times he's flipped out and made reckless to near-suicidal decisions that can endanger those around him. Sometimes he has a light-hearted tantrum. Berserk Button: Do not ever call Speed a coward or doubt his ability to race.Badass Driver: He's no slouch when it comes to being a racing driver.

    speed racer characters

    In the anime by comparison, he's far more willing to jump to gunning down and killing those that threaten the people around him or his own life, which clashes significantly with the Incorruptible Pure Pureness he originated as. Adaptational Jerkass: In the original manga, Mifune was a genuinely kind-hearted individual that only fought if he absolutely had to, to the point that one villain expresses a Villain Respect for him as one of the greatest men in the world by heart and honor alone.In the end, Speed almost always comes on top. When pushed to fight, he's also an extremely accurate shot with a firearm and has won quite his fair share of brawls when he has a chance. The Ace: Speed has proven time and time again to be one of the best racers in the entire business, taking on some of the most dangerous racers and tracks in sports.


    A young up and coming racing driver filled with determination who drives the Mach 5.

    Speed racer characters